"Nobody is perfect. I don't have to be with you for as long as a year or more for me to know you and decide you're the woman I want. If it's God's will, then everything is fine. I trust Him." These words played in her mind, she kept blushing. Collins had taken her out on a dinner date where he officially made his intention known to her. Ever since then, butterflies had never ceased churning in her stomach.


After lectures had ended at 12 noon that Tuesday, Nadine phoned Favour to disclose her freedom. "I'm a little busy at the moment. Please, can you wait for me at Crunchies? I'll be there soon." Favour hung up before Nadine could say anything.

Nadine chewed her popcorn and groundnut with relish as she boarded a bus going her way. Favour arrived thirty minutes later and both exchanged greeting as Favour left to order their meals.

"I'm sorry, when you called, I was very busy. There was this patient that was rushed in; there'd been an accident and he was bleeding a lot. I succeeded in stopping the bleeding, then did some other things before rushing out to meet you."

"Eiyaa, you should've told me and I would've understood but there's no problem. Thank God he did not die."

"So, how was lectures today?" He smiled warmly.

 "Fine." Nadine peeked at the steaming plates of white rice and vegetable sauce. Just what she wanted, she thought. She picked her fork and without permission dug into her food.

"Let's eat," Favour said as he spooned some grains mixed with vegetable into his waiting open mouth. "You look exceedingly beautiful this afternoon. Tell me the secret behind this beauty, angel." Nadine's cheeks flushed pink, like it was bound to happen, she smiled and said thanks to him for the flattering compliment. "You know," he paused and stopped eating, "I really need to know you deeply."

"But you know me already, you know my name, where I come from, my career, my academic and spiritual status. What else do you wanna know and why would you want to know?" She stopped eating. She was starting to feel nervous and uneasy. She took the bottle of water before her, poured some into her glass and started drinking slowly.

"Because I've fallen in love with you."

 Nadine choked on that, spilling some water mistakenly on her dress. She stared speechlessly at him and at her food, why should he say that when she hadn't finished her food? She asked herself. She grabbed some grains and swallowed without chewing.

"I love you, Nadine."



Favour regretted professing love to Nadine; perhaps it was too early. He hated the way she'd walked out on him making him feel as though he'd made a grievous mistake. She was the woman of his dreams; she fitted into the kind of woman he'd ever wanted. How else would he make her know that or was she seeing another person? He couldn't arrive at anything, he was already dying to have Nadine by his side.


"When he said he loves me, I was shocked, I saw it in his eyes, they were real. I don't know what to think. On one side is Collins, on the other, Favour. Bro Favour is a nice person, I don't wanna hurt him. How do I tell him I love another and by God's grace, I'd be getting married to that person?" Nadine hissed, she'd been so worked up after her lunch date with Favour some days ago. Mercy too stared expressionlessly at her not knowing what to say either.

"Whatever it is, you'll have to tell him so he won't be chasing a dead horse. This is not strong enough to confuse you, you have to choose Collins 'cause you love him." Mercy sounded firmly.

Before Favour had professed his love to Nadine, he'd been calling and texting her. Naรฏve Nadine didn't read meaning into all that, she felt it was a normal thing for a guy checking up on his female friend.


"Oh! God, what is all this? I was the first person who met Collins, we'd been friends even before he saw and fell in love with Nadine, I had to let go of him for Nadine. Now, it's bro Favour whom I'm already hitting on. Why are all of them going after Nadine? Why not me? Don't I deserve a good man? Somebody like Collins or Favour, huh?" Mercy blinked back her tears as she stared at the cold walls of her room.


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