ARRESTED BY LOVE (The best of Daria) Episode 17


"Please, don't go" Ebube said immediately he drew Daria back. "I knew this day would come when i will be killed for the innocent souls i have wasted just to get my revenge.
And I'm happy to die because i have finally gotten it. Your king contemplated with a man and killed my father in the name of money and politics"
"You mean you've killed my king?" Daria asked then Ebube nodded his head positively.
"My soul will rest in peace now" he added.
"No, you will not die" Daria insisted in tears. "I will do my BEST to make sure you stay alive. First, i have to stay away from you and get rid of the feelings i have for..."

"What of the one i have for you?" Ebube interrupted her then Daria stared at him surprisingly in tears.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"The same feelings run through my vains and steers up my heartbeat" Ebube replied and drew her closer in a way he held her two cheeks shedding tears too. "You can't help me, Daria" he concluded.
"No, i disagree. I want you to run away. Please, do that"
"I can't, soldiers are outside waiting for me. My death has been written already since i have become mortal"
Daria gradually disengaged his hands from her cheeks and rushed downstairs.
"Daria!" Ebube shouted her name without a reply. He could only hear her footsteps running down the staircase as he slowly sat on the bed with tears in his eyes.
On the other hand, Daria opened the front door and a bright torch-light shone on her face.
"Hold your fire!" a voice came from a mega-phone-thet was the chief in command of the soldiers. "Put your hands up!" Daria raised her hands up moving forward gradually...
However, at the palace, prince Victor's anger increased. He had deposited his father's corpse in the mortuary and amended his wound. One could see him standing before the throne and looking at the elders who kept murmuring one thing or the other.
"So this is the reason why my father refused to allow me come home" the prince began then everywhere became quiet. "I must make sure i avenge his death!"
"My prince, nothing you can do to Red. I suggest we wait till tomorrow when the chief priest will return with the seven men so that we'll know the next way forward. They will probably sent him out of this land" an elder suggested standing up.
"Nonsense!" the prince shouted.
"Heey!" the elders chorused in amazement.

"I have already told the soldiers never to depart until they kill him" the prince continued. "How can a person that murdered my father be spared alive? He must die!!"
Elder Thomas cleared his throat and said, "My prince, it seems like you don't know who you are talking about. Nothing can kill this man. Moreover, your father, the king killed his own father for money!!"
"Gbam!" the elders chorused.
"Exactly!" another added.
"You are a fool!" the prince said glaring at elder Thomas.
"Abomination!" another elder exclaimed. "How dare you call an elder a fool?!"
"Now, all of you leave my palace" the prince commanded.
"Aru meh!"
"What an insolent child?!" the elders kept lamenting as they left the palace one by one.

Daria immediately fell on her knees in the presence of the commander in chief. Tears never ceased to pour from her eyes.
"Please, don't kill him, he's innocent!" she begged then the commander glanced at his partner.
"Who are you? And who are you to this man?" he asked.
"I'm only a person who knows his story. He didn't do anything" Daria replied.
The commander glanced at his partner again and said, "Get her!" then the soldiers grabbed Daria.
"Where are you taking me to!" Daria shouted..

Before the last elder left the palace, he saw Daria being followed by two soldiers into the palace then hurried up to inform her parents. The soldiers presented Daria before Victor, the prince.
"Who's this girl?" the prince asked.
"She came out from the house Red is and said that she knows his story" one of the soldiers replied.
"I don't want to know any of his stories! Get back they and make sure you kill that man!"
"The order has already be given from government. So no need of repeating it"
"Please, you people should spare him, he's innocent" Daria pleaded. While the soldiers left her and the prince there.
"Don't you know that man killed my father?" the prince asked.
"But your father killed his father too" Daria replied. "The way you feel now is the same way he feels!"

Prince Victor looked at a guard and said, "Get her out of here!"
Just at the gate where the guard and Daria battled, Mr and Mrs Alfred hurried up to them with a torchlight.
"Leave me alone!" Daria shouted at the guard who dragged her continuously.
"Leave my daughter alone!" Mrs Alfred also shouted from a distant before the guard disengaged his hands from her. The mother hurried up to Daria before her husband. "Daria, where have you been?" she asked. Before she knew what was going on, the husband dragged Daria by the hand forcefully..

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