ARRESTED BY LOVE (The best of Daria) Episode 18

The quietness of Mr Alfred could not be comprehended by anybody as he dragged Daria by the hand until he reached home followed by his wife too. The expression of
anger on his face sent a dangerous signal to his wife who began to beg him immediately but he ignored her.
Daria suddenly stopped crying standing before her father. She expected nothing but interrogations because her mother was already doing the begging silently.
"Daria" the father called with a low voice. "What were you doing at the palace? In fact where have you been all day?"
"Father, i have been with Ebube" Daria replied. The father glanced at his wife then looked at her again.
"Who is Ebube?" he asked.
"Hum.." Daria adjusted backward. "Ebube is Red, father" she replied.
"Eehhnn!" the mother shouted.
"What were you doing with Red?" the father asked.

"Heeey, chim oh!" the mother kept shouting and bouncing.
"Quiet woman!!" the husband shouted at her before she became silent but kept bouncing. Then Mr Alfred looked at Daria to answer his question.
"Father, he saved me from being raped by Roland and Henry" Daria replied after which she began to shed tears.
"What?!" the mother shouted again. "When did that happen? Heey! I said it! Those boys are dangero.."
"This woman be quiet!" the husband interrupted her and faced Daria again. "Is that why you followed Red?"
"No, father" Daria replied.
"Then what were you doing at the palace forcing to be out?"

"I.. i.. i mean.. father, i went to plead with the prince for him to save Ebube from being killed"
"As what?! A movie actor, right? Or James Bond. What is wrong with you?!" the father's voice became high. "Few days ago was Austine and now is Red or Ebube whatever you call him. And why won't they even kill him for all the damages and lives he has taken?!"
"Father, you won't understand, he's innocent. He was only trying to avenge his father" Daria defended.
Mr Alfred looked at his wife and said, "Have you seen your daughter?" he faced Daria again saying, "Listen to me Daria or Dairy, now get inside your room. Out!" Daria entered. "As for those two fools that call themselves Roland and Henry.. Okay" the father walked out angrily.

As the soldiers monitored Ebube who never slept, so as Daria stayed awake crying. What could she possibly do? How would she talk to the soldiers or  government to back off from killing Ebube? She stood up from her bed in tears and walked to her parents' room. The mother woke up to the sound of her knock at the door while the father was still asleep. She adjusted her wrapper as she opened the door just to see Daria in tears.
"Daria, what?"
"Mother, i want to talk to father"
"For what?"
Hearing the conversation, Mr Alfred woke up then Daria entered forcefully and knelt before him.
"Father, i beg you in the name of God, help Ebube. They will kill him"
The father became surprise. "What  type of a philanthropist is this?!" he exclaimed. "Daria, what do you have in common with this man? And who told you he can be killed because nothing can kill him?"
"Not anymore, father" Daria replied then the father looked at his wife who stood at the door. "Please, help him" she added.
"Well, there is nothing i can do" the father said.
"I beg you, Father" Daria cried.
Mr Alfred looked at his wife again. "Woman, tell your daughter to go to bed" he told her and laid down.

The news went all over the place even on television. Journalists with their videos machines could be seen at the resident of Ebube to shoot his death or arrest live because it had already been stamped by the government that he must be killed that day.
Mrs Linto turned on her television and tuned it to the local channel which was showing how Ebube will be killed or captured. She could see soldiers at different angles with their guns.
Tension took over the land of Obioha and the entire kingdom. Within a twinkle of an eye, the chief priest was seen going to the new resident of Ebube too with the seven men who weren't on cloth except black trousers. They had a white Mark all over their bodies and swords in their hands singing victorious song.

Odem, who never traveled as he planned, came out staggering around. "Wicked people! Now that the truth is out, why can't u allow Red to be? I had always foreseen and said it that our king did money ritual. How can he kill a man for money, yet, you people want to kill the son of the man? The gods of palm wine is watching all of you" Odem concluded.
As Lana met Daria crying in her room, so as Ebube prepared for his death. One could see him writing on a paper which after he folded and kept on the bed. He looked at himself on a mirror for a while then began to dress up to his initial attire. As he wore his mask which happened to be the last thing, tears ran out from his eyes. After he collected his sword, he walked downstairs and stood at the last door to be opened..

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