A friend, recently had argued that being a youth has no positive effect on governance and should never be a criteria for selecting a leader, he reeled out a retinue of leaders who were young and failed to make impact in leadership; he simply argued that Tony being a youth doesn't matter in this election.

Let me state unequivocally that Tony isn't running in this election because he's just a youth. He is running because he's appalled by how south governance has gone in Anambra: the mismanagement of state resources, rapid decay of public infrastructure especially, hospitals, schools and roads and the lack of clear directives for the economic prosperity of the state. Tony believes he has enough solutions garnered from his long interaction with the state on different strata to change the narrative for good.

But, should being a youth matter in this election? The central problem of our time is youth restiveness: how to create jobs for the teeming youths who make up half of the Nigerian population. A recent data put Nigeria's youth unemployment rate at 45% and population growth at 3.5% making youth restiveness a hydra which must be tackled if we must develop.

It's for the above reason that I believe that Tony Nwoye is the answer, he is a youth, not just a youth but one who understands the youths problem, especially at this time.

No state can develop without making the youths  her central policy point; getting them into position in which they can contribute to development. This is exactly what Tony Nwoye intends to do.

The government of Tony Nwoye will make the youths the center of her policy by first, inviting youths who have the ability and soundness for leadership into various government institutions and agencies to usher in New directions.  The government will also focus on creating easy, accessible and low interest funding to youths using different mechanisms including but not limited to, Venture capitalists, Micro-finance banks, religious association, government agencies and etc. Efforts will be made in collaboration with the house of assembly to dedicate a fixed first line charge deduction from the IGR for SME funding, the government of Tony Nwoye will also not hesitate to take up equity in  certain SMEs to help them grow.

ICT will also get a huge boost, as measures will be taken to make coding a compulsory subject for primary and secondabry schools in the state. Innovation hubs which will be equipped with animation studios and other appropriate gadgets necessary for the growth of skills possessed by our youths.

Skills development will also be an essential policy of Tony Nwoye, not just skills but skills necessary for industrial growth. With the high human development index in the state efforts will be made to harness it by encouraging lots of youths to take to animation, videography, robotics, cinematography, coding and etc. Our government will make all necessary efforts to attract reputable MNC's to set up training/ research centers in the state using our HDI as a bait.

It's for this reason that Tony Nwoye hopes to make STEM(science, technology, engineering and mathematics) educational an integral part of the educational policy using every available incentive to achieve it.

Understanding that a youth is primarily defined by " a temper of the will, a quantity of imagination , a predominance of courage over timidity , of the appetite for Adventure over the life of ease” as advocated by Robert Kennedy, Tony Nwoye understands that the essential problem of the youth at this time is how to create policies that will allow the youths utilize their appetite for adventure to make their imagination a reality. For Tony Nwoye getting youths involved in the development of Anambra is all about creating opportunities in leadership for youths, providing easy access to funding for their initiatives, providing mentorship and enhancing skills possessed by the youths.

Tony isn't just a youth, he's a youth who understands the youths problem of the time and is running to solve the problem, thereby creating economic prosperity for the state.

A vote for Tony Nwoye is a vote for youth emancipation

© Obi Trice Emeka

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