Anambra 2017: Why Anambrarians Are Rooting For Dr Tony Nwoye. - Sixtus Obadigbo

After years of voting a retiree with a hyped profile and whom had no idea of how government works let alone the basic needs and solution to the economic and infrastructural problems facing our dear state, Anambrarians are set to vote Dr Tony Nwoye to Correct this misfit. How?
Dr. Tony Nwoye and his team are able youths that understand true grass root leadership qualities. Anambra's socio-economic problems could be traced to bad political leadership and mismanagement characterized by some old men of little or no idea in the corridors of power under the guise of being TECHNOCRATS, BUREAUCRATS and DIPLOMATS or all combined dubious appellation, yet their years in office bring super calamity to Ndi Anambra. This we must rise to stop.

Yes, your vote is key and respectfully needed to save Anambra state from this current and further misrule. The current administration has emboldened the depletion of our collective wealth since they assumed office, with nothing on ground to better justify and account for the huge funds (more than 190billions so received) collected and expended from 2014 till date. The political leadership problem faced by the State today was a direct result of presenting incompetent persons by APGA and so hyped and described their accomplishments in glowing terms. We would have asked more questions. The unwary electorates in hindsight bias have been cowed and tend not to assess for competence based on the candidates' antecedent and their so hyped achievements and how close they are to the reality of ordinary Anambrarians on the streets and our local communities.

The topic, therefore, becomes how to stop the painful neglect of home-grown political leaders, who are equipped with basic ideas on how to meet the needs of the people; this is one of the credible solutions to end current leadership problems confronting our state and this generation of Ndi Anambara. How can a returnee Governor, surrounded by fellow returnees and some local sycophants understand the pains and yearnings of a petty trader in the villages and towns around the state? Or the yearning for jobs and better living conditions for our teeming youth and middle-class indigenes and other residents of Anambara state?

We are not cursed, but we limit our blessings and progress, because we neglect those who are on ground and have our best interest at heart, and pitch tent with returnees who must use google Maps and local guides to find their own ways around their home towns let alone other communities and major towns in the state. How come we trusted and allowed them to make utopian promises of transforming Anambra to Dubai and Taiwan. When it's so obvious that they greatly lack any basic idea on how to bring our standard of development as close as States and cities like Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria. We are wiser now and we all must not allow such to happen again in 2017! Arise and vote to stop APGA teeming and lading, enslavement policies!

It is very possible for Anambra to become Dubai and Taiwan of Africa as so many of us have dreamed and hoped for. But there are basic needs of the people one needs to identify and tackle to enable the people to actualize their dreams. It takes someone who has been part of the society right from birth (a homeboy a true well-bred), and have these basic ideas and will identify with the needs of the people so that he can proffer suitable approach and resolve our worries.

Lack of leadership proximity and affinity to the people stance of APGA government and other governments have failed and they are still failing to fulfil their campaign promises, yet, the same reason they are finding it difficult in doing any of the things contained in their campaign manifestos. They promised “Heaven on Earth” and still promising and giving high hopes to our people. But, after electing them, one is expected to see them swing into action, they only discover that the basic needs of the people are so different from what they have in their manifestos and that has always posed great challenges as it becomes impossible for them to resolve basic issues (like food, shelter, education, standard roads, etc) let alone the Dubai(lization) they promised and boasted about. While they are still drunk and dazed on where to start, they begin to squander public funds without recourse to its accompanying corrosive effects on the welfare of our people and other social residents. Any government that lacked the basic ideas and failed to first tackle the basic needs of the people is bound to fail and we don't need those losers again.

We can't continue voting those that will fail, while other states are recording progress both economically and infrastructure wise. We wallow in poverty. We need to arise and the time to rise is now, Anambarians, let's take our future into our hands by laying a solid foundation with Dr. Tony Nwoye today for progressive tomorrow! Dr. Tony Nwoye is home-grown, endowed with all the ideas, and will surely provide the basic needs of our people and proffer solution to our leadership quagmire and eased past experiences and mistakes of APGA administrations. He has been part of Anambra from birth till date. He can tell you the problems by heart in each of the local government area and community. He can as well give you the solution naturally, whenever he's called upon to so do. He's completely equipped with basic ideas on how to revamp our slow growing economy. He will curb excess spending by government. He knows relevant areas to channel state funds to directly impact on the lives of the people.

We must first identify what it is we are trying to build for our people to figure out  how to key in and own the projects of state building this he knows  to well and all the areas both past and present administration got it wrong and are still falling and failing to address. He is aware of their poor starting, poor ending and overall poor performance, due to their inability to identify the problems they were elected to solve. These ideas are the reasons Anambrarians yearn and root for Dr. Tony Nwoye to emerge victorious as Anambra state governor if you and I and all true people and residents of Anambra vote for APC and Dr Tony Nwoye on the 18th November 2017 governorship elections. Anambrarians repose much confidence in the person of Dr Tony Nwoye and his deputy in the person of Hon. Dozie Ikedife and the team of able youths, ladies and gentlemen of Ndi Anambra. We all should see him as the long-awaited Messiah to free us all from age long bondage of mismanagement.

His government shall be a blessing to Ndi Anambra, the days of unaccountability is over. The days of lies and deceit in Anambra is over. Administration of billboard, fake MoUs and propaganda is over. Dr Tony Nwoye shall usher Anambra into a new era of economic prosperity and transparency in leadership. Majority of Anambrarians who are on the street and various places in Anambra campaigning for Dr Tony Nwoye's victory by November 18 elections have seen a new Anambra. All and sundry will be happy with his emergence. Dr Tony Nwoye is coming to set a new standard of leadership for Anambra state and has the backing of the majority of Anambrarians that have identify his doggedness for their welfare and this gives him ample edge over other candidates. He will touch every sector and revamp them. It is time to reclaim our State from the hands of those who have no reasonable future for Ndi Anambra.

On your marks! Set! Go! tell others to Vote for Dr. Tony Nwoye and APC the new party of national progress for ANAMBRA STATE! And Be Prepare for better things!

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