ARRESTED BY LOVE (The best of Daria) Episode 19

At the resident of Late Linto, the wife crossed her legs with the television remote. She wore a long gown that covered her body from head to toe, and on her feet w
ere sparkling shoes. She is a woman in her early forties looking younger than her age. Suddenly, a very young and beautiful girl came out from her room. She wore a black bogus trouser and a white top. She parked her hair upward in a way it made a round shape at the centre of the head. One could see her fingernails and lips painted red. She's the first daughter of Mr Linto who was in her early twenties. She flew back from abroad hearing her father's death and also wanted to witness the capturing of her father's murderer. So she sat beside her mother on a couch without a word, then both glanced at each and concentrated on the television again. Amara is her name.
Austine came out from his house in a hurry to witness how the battle will take place at the resident of Ebube, but his friends, Roland and Henry came around immediately. All were in jean trousers but only Austine dressed responsibly.
"Where are you going to, bro?" Roland asked.

"To witness the death of that criminal that nearly killed me because of money. But it was unfortunate for him because i deposited all my sales in the bank before then" Austine replied.
"That's probably why he wounded you" Henry said.
"Yes, i guess" Austine moved forward while they stayed back staring at him. So he stopped and looked at them, "Well, won't you guys following me to the place?" he asked but the two boys shook their heads negatively remembering their encounter with Ebube. "Why?" Austine was still inquisitive.
"Go bro, we are right behind you" Roland concluded.

On the other hand, Prisca spent more time on a mirror. What the land was presently experiencing seemed to be none of her business. She wore a pink trouser that obviously exposed the shape of her underwear. She turned in a million time in front of the mirror looking at her butt. "I have to look very good this time around" she murmured applying a pink wetlips. "The prince must be mine" she concluded immediately she was done.
Some of the seven men had local guns while some with swords. When they got to the gate where the soldiers also positioned, they were told to step aside by the chief in command of the soldiers. However, the chief priest had returned to his shrine after hearing the tragedy of the kings death to know the next way forward as custom demands.
"This is our battle!" the leader of the seven men told the commander in chief of the soldiers.

"Please, step aside. This is government mission and order" the commander replied.
"No! We have waited for you soldiers to kill Red but couldn't. So allow us to kill him by ourselves!"
"Yes!" the youths chorused.
However, Ebube had been hearing everything they said from the house. His fingers grabbed his sword tightly, his heartbeat increased and his eyes kept running down with tears. He had already made up his mind to die, so he raised up his head and said, "God, forgive me for my deeds." He closed his eyes and brought down his head..
One the other hand, Daria's cry increased in the presence of her friend, Lana who kept asking and wondering why she was crying. Mr Alfred opened her room silently. He had his staff in his hand and a hat on his head as he stared at his daughter without knowing what to say or do because it totally became strange to him. Suddenly, Daria stood up to run out but Lana prevented her by holding her tightly on the waist.
"Leave me alone!" Daria cried. She forcefully disengaged herself and ran out without even minding the presence of her father.

At the same time, Ebube opened the door and walked out heroically then the soldiers pointed their guns at him, even some of the seven men. After a long quietness, he gently took off his mask and helmet then dropped them on the floor.
Seeing his face on the television at the resident of late Linto, Amara stood up surprisingly. "It's D-square!" she said walking close to the television.
"Amara, what's it? Who is D-square?" the mother asked.

"This man, mummy"
"His name is Ebube known as Red"
"Mummy, i know this guy as Destiny Desmond. That's why i call him D-square. We met in abroad, in Paris!" Amara briskly walked to her mother. "Stop the soldiers, mummy!" she shouted.
"No, the order had already been given by the government" the mother replied.
Amara glanced at the television again. "Mummy, do something!!" she exclaimed..
"Drop your weapon!" the commander told Ebube through the mega-phone. But since Ebube wanted to be killed, he moved forward. "I repeat, drop your weapon now!" Ebube kept moving with his sword. Seeing that, one of the seven men pulled the trigger of his gun and Ebube stopped at the gunshot that touched him. He slowly fell down.
"Nooo!" Daria shouted on the road when she heard the gunshot.

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