ARRESTED BY LOVE (The best of Daria) Episode 16


After a long wait and tranquility in the room, Daria said, "Who are you?" but Ebube kept quiet with his face downward. "What did our king do to you?" she added, yet,
Ebube said nothing then Daria got angry. "What do you take me for?! Do you think I'm a fool?! Just because i can't deal with this feelings in my heart!" she began to shed tears. "My dreams keep reminding me of that and sterring it up more and more each day!" she sniffed in tears breathing heavily, yet, Ebube remained silent. "What am i even doing here?" Daria concluded. She walked towards the door but Ebube stood up instantly and held her by the hand then both faced each other looking at their faces. Daria saw nothing but a mask while Ebube saw her beautiful face.
"My name is Ebube Desmond" Ebube said then became quiet. When the silence lingered, Daria raised up her hand gradually and took off his mask. Ebube helped her remove even his helmet then Daria couldn't believe her eyes; She saw the most handsome boy compared to anybody she had met in her kingdom. Though, Ebube was not that fair in complexion but the colour could be traced on his face. He had side beards that round from his cheek down to his jaw. He had a slightly pointed nose and small eyes.
"I heard that your body resist bullets. How did it happen?" Daria asked with a low voice. "I mean why are you like this?" she added.
"It's a long story" Ebube moved back to the centre of the room while Daria followed him.
"I have all the time in the world to listen to you" Daria said.
"I was sent to jail for what i know nothing of" Ebube began...
At the airport, airplanes could be seen on the tarmac and workers moving around. Just then, another plane landed and Ebube stepped out from it with his bag. He wore a white suit with a pair of transparent eyeglasses. Suddenly, two policemen rushed him.
"Excuse me sir, we'll like to search you and your bag" one of them said.
"What for?" Ebube asked. Before he knew it, one of the policemen dragged his bag and began to search it. While the other searched his entire body. "I have nothing illegal, mehn!" Ebube shouted raising up his hands. Sooner did they find a drug inside his bag.
"You are a drug dealer, sir" the policemen brought out their guns and handcuff.
"What?!" Ebube shouted surprisingly. "I don't know how that entered my bag!"
"You have the right to remain silent or anything you say will be used against you in the high court of law" one of the policemen handcuffed him then pushed him forward.
"I'm innocent!" Ebube shouted..

"And truly i didn't know how the drug got into my bag" Ebube continued. "My father tried his possible best to make sure i didn't go to jail but i finally did. I was kicked, beaten and nearly killed in jail but i escaped after some weeks" Ebube sniffed in. Daria's eyes had already become wet with tears ready to drop..
Ebube escaped from prison at night. He ran continuously trying so had to hide his identity. He wore a face-cap and a green prison uniform as he approached to their house. He was surprise to see the gate opened without the gateman. So he hurried inside the house and saw his father lying dead in his room. "Father! Father!!" he shook his body vigorously. "Nooo!" he shouted in a loud voice..

Tears kept dropping from Daria's eyes at this moment as she listened and stared at Ebube who also battled with tears in his eyes.
"My heart shattered" Ebube began again. "Seeing my father dead was the last thing in my mind. Due to I'm a wanted man, i had to leave the house. Before i left, i saw a paper written LUCAS IKEDI and picked it up. Though i didn't know who dropped it and didn't care to know. Two days after i came back to our house from my hiding place, i saw it totally burnt. So i became frustrated and swore to take revenge on whosoever that was responsible for it. I met a friend who introduce me to a native doctor where i got the power of immortality.."

In the middle of the night, the native doctor gave Ebube mark on his arm and said, "You are now immortal! No weapon can kill you if only a woman doesn't fall inlove with you! Any day a woman falls inlove with you or you have any intimacy with a woman, the power will be weakened and you will be killed..!"
Ebube had already pulled his cloth off to show Daria the mark on his arm. He was left with a black singlet and trouser including his shoes. In tears, Daria gently began to touch his muscular body to know if it was actually a human body. She looked at him in the face and saw blood dripping from his noise. "Ebube?" she called and sniffed in. "You are nose bleeding"
Ebube touched his nose sharply and became sad. "It's time" he said.
"Time for what?"

"For my death"
"No" Daria said in tears. "I guess it's because of me. I shouldn't have had feelings for you" she wanted to run out but Ebube held her back again..

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