STORY TIME : How could she do this?

I gave her everything; my heart, my love, my money. She was the woman of my dreams; fair, curvy, had my choice of height, intelligent, industrious, just my type of woman. I made sure she didn't lack anything; I took her shopping thrice a month. I bought her a car and an apartment whose rent I pay myself. I'm even the one taking care of her mother and her brother who is still in secondary school.

I met her three years ago when I was rounding off my final year studies in the University, she was a sophomore then. I studied banking and finance. The first day I set my eyes on her, something just told me she was the one for me. Her humility and good manners charmed me.

It was around 2PM, the sun was terrible that day. I had only stepped into madam Fancy's eatery to dispose my hunger with a sumptuous meal when I bumped into this angel, she looked up with a frown. I swallowed hard, she was even beautiful with such a frown.

"I'm really sorry." I finally blurted out, helping her with her books that'd fallen in the commotion. She collected her books with just a nod and left. That was the first meeting. My hunger just vanished into thin air. I wanted to rush and get her contact but on a second thought, I withdrew. I couldn't sleep the whole night, I was even feeling guilty, I'd made her frown, right? But it wasn't intentional. As if God listened to my heart, he brought her my way again. That was three months later; I was done with school already. I was fortunate enough to get a job at that time, my dad really helped me with that.   I was just driving around that Sunday afternoon, bored of staying alone at home. I saw her standing in front of a provision store with a heavy bag, she squinted her eyes as she shaded them off the sun with her palm.

This time she smiled as if she remembered me. She reciprocated my greeting and I felt calm. "you remember me right?" she nodded positively. I managed in pulling her into the car verbally and of course, she was reluctant. We talked for a short time before exchanging contacts. That was the happiest day of my life; I couldn't wait to get close to her. That was the only thing I wanted.

Did I succeed?

Yes, I won her heart; she finally agreed to date me after months. Those months I had to wait were tremendously frustrating but then her 'yes' took the frustration away. I shut my eyes and spent freely on her. I took up the responsibility because I also wanted her as my own forever, you know what I mean. I'm the only son of my parents and at the age of twenty-seven, they think I'm mature and old enough to get married to a good lady. I don't blame them, most African parents are like that.

Well, back to I and Becca. I waited for her to graduate, getting a job will pose no problem, I had the connections already. Left for me, I'd have wanted her to become a housewife but these days, the feasibility is zero percent.

29th November, 2011 is a date that would never be forgotten in my life.  I came back from Chicago Illinois where I'd gone to represent my dad 'cause a branch of his business was located there. I stayed longer than I expected, the whole thing wasn't really my fault. I came back on a Friday night and left on Saturday's mid morning to see my fiancée, they were no more staying where I initially located them before this time. I had to make enquiries and succeeded in finding her. What I saw was good enough to blind my eyes. My fiancée, breastfeeding a child whilst carrying another one in her stomach. Who was the bastard? My eyes reddened at the heart breaking sight. I'm sure of myself; I left her pure and untouched, I'm a Christian anyway, why would I defile her when I know I would have her forever and that too, legally. I knew her as a Virgin which is the most reason I prided more in her. "What is this, Becca?"

Just then, as I anticipated for her reply, I heard a voice; a familiar one at that. "Honey, who's that?"

For the love of God, how could I be betrayed like this; Eben of all people. My friend, my brother, my colleague. My jaw dropped. Had I not manned my emotions, I'd have shed tears like a woman.

My love, my life, my everything gone, how? How could this happen to me? What did I do? How could she? I couldn't get any worthy explanation, Becca was weeping profusely but who was that for anyway?

I left, back to Chicago Illinois, faraway, so I won't think of her, so I won't remember her. Love? I once felt it, I was once intoxicated by it but I realized It's a waste of time.
Guest writer : Precious Ifechukwu

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