Daily Devotional:Sunday ,22 October 2017

God’s Legality

And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Amen (Romans 16:20).

Some people have asked, “Why didn’t God just
destroy Satan, instead of allowing him to run
rampage all over the place?” Well, Satan is operating on legal
grounds, and God respects laws; He’s a covenant keeper and
very legal. That’s the reason He’s dealt even with Satan
Before God ever created man, there was Lucifer, the
anointed Cherub, who later became the devil through his
rebellion against God. He lost his position as God’s vice
regent, and his anointing became corrupted. When God
eventually created man in His image and in His likeness, Satan
hatched a plan to ruin God’s creation. Adam chose to obey
Satan in the Garden of Eden, and committed high treason
against God, and thus forfeited his authority to Satan.

Satan thus assumed this Adamic authority, and the
lease of that authority is still on. Adam became subject to
Satan, legally, because the Bible says you become a slave
to whoever you obey; this is spiritual law (Romans 6:16).
Satan, legally, became Adam’s boss. Remember, God had
given Adam authority over the earth, and everything in the
earth (Genesis 1:26). That Adamic authority is what Satan still
operates with today, and God respects it.
A second Adam for a new creation became necessary.
Man would require a rebirth under this second Adam; Jesus
Christ. The Bible calls Jesus Christ the second and last Adam.
He came to make it possible for man to be born again and
taken out of the dominion of darkness; from under Satan’s power. The Bible says God has “…delivered us from the
power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom
of his dear Son” (Colossians 1:13). Being born again, you’ve
been legally removed, transferred from the control of Satan,
into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Now, you’re a child of
God, and bona fide citizen of God’s Kingdom.


I worship you, blessed Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, for
your greatness, power, mercy,
grace and love. There’s none like
you; you’re the only true and
wise God. Your work is perfect
and all your ways are just! Thank
you for bringing me into the
glorious liberty of the sons of
God; you’ve established me in
Zion, as a tree of righteousness,
to produce fruits and works of
righteousness. Amen.


1 Timothy 4:1-16
Jeremiah 11-12

John 7:1-10
2 Kings 9


Deuteronomy 32:4
Psalm 92:15

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