Woman tries to kills herself after son insists he must marry a prostitute

A heartbroken woman from Masvingo in Zimbabwe has tried to commit s*icide after her son made it known that he was getting married to a prostitute.

Zim News reports that 48-year-old
Nomathemba Moyo is currently battling for her life at Masvingo Provincial Hospital after allegedly drinking rat poison last Saturday night.

Masvingo police spokesperson, Inspector Charity Mazula, said she has yet to receive a report about the case. However, police detailswho attended the scene said Moyo drank the poison after a heated argument with her 22-year-old son, Jonathan Ngwenya, over the 30-year-old prostitute, identified as Caroline Munetsi.

“Her (Moyo’s) elder son came home with a prostitute on Thursday night and indicated that the woman had come to join the family as his wife even though he was fully aware that the lady is a well-known commercial s*x worker,”said the source.

An argument reportedly ensued on Friday afternoon when the son demanded his late father’s cattle to pay lobola (bride price) for his lover.

“He demanded that his mother to release six cattle from his late father’s estate and had already made arrangements with the prostitute’s parents for the lobola ceremony to be held on Sunday.

“The mother then told him that it was better for her to take her on life than to see her son wasting the family’s fortune on a prostitute,”said the source.

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