Brave ACID attack victim vows to keep posting selfies to inspire other victims (photos)

An acid attack victim in Essex, UK is bravely sharing her selfies on social media. gathered that a jealous friend stalked Naomi Oni, 25, and doused her face in sulphuric acid in December 2012, leaving her scarred for life.

Her attacker, Mary Konye, dressed as a Muslim woman to avoid identification.
She was Naomi's childhood friend who was obsessed with her looks and eventually sought to disfigure her.

Although Naomi initially suffered depression and anxiety, she soon regained her confidence and trained as a makeup artist after she healed.
She has now learned to love the person she isand has refused to succumb to Mary's aim of making her feel less beautiful.

In an interview, Naomi said: "There are low times but I am trying to get on with it. I realised I had to stop feeling sorry for myself, I have got to a stage where I have got to know myself and I love the person that I am."

By posting her scarred face on social media in defiance of her attacker, she hopes to inspire other victims to regain their self-confidence.

She said: "Posting selfies was ­liberating. It was reaffirming to get the comments and likes. I do it to inspire people and show no matter what people are going through, they can overcome.

"Mary is serving a 12-year sentence for her actions while Naomi is continuing her long road to recovery. She is set to undergo one more skin grafting surgery on her face.

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