Exclusive Interview With Ichie Odumegwu C.E.O Dynasty Interiors

Good afternoon,
my name is Nwosu Lucky C.E.O www.luckynewsinfo.com .
It nice meeting you Sir!!

Let's  get to know you ?
I am Nnaemezie chukwuemeka praise popularly know as ichie odumegwu...I am a final year undergraduate of surveying and geo-informatics in nnamdi azikiwe university awka.
I run a foundation konscious mindset Advocacy, and I head an interior decoration firm by name "dynasty exclusive interiors" with branches here in awka and Lagos too
Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?

I admire a lot of them..like the bigger interior companies,..so many of them abroad but for Nigeria it should be viva furnitures .
What ignited the spark in you to start a Campaign ? 

The campaign came as a result of the high rate of molestation,abuse and neglect in the society against the children which nobody is talking about...child molestation still remains the main root of social ills like rape,domestic violence,sex violations and the rest...the bitter thing is not even the religious houses dare speak against this evil living amidst us

How did the idea for your Campaign come about?

The idea came through my brother agbalanze bube and we have to put up the campaign under our kultural paradigm achievers platform...we took it to the streets,school,on air,online interacting with kids and parents to educate them on the effects,after effects and how to check mate child molestation
What three pieces of advice would you give to youths who want to become entrepreneurs?
Be focused
Never you relent
Work extra hard
Describe/outline your typical day?

I wake up,get prepared,go through my previous schedule for the day and check for any amendments..off I go from my lectures to business engagements,to my political meetings ....my day ends up most times hectic
What motivates you?

I get motivated because i  dream for the future and compare it with the present state..
I always believe in the ability to do more and make impact in this short life.
What are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve made?

Life is filled with lessons,
So I learnt from my mistake of not taking some riskes which would have helped me the more in life.
Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?

I see my self standing tall to be admired,preferring solutions to the interior world,being a role model to the up and comming one's...and lastly impacting lives because that is my sole life aim
If you were conducting this interview, what question would you ask?

You are a blogger with a difference what's your secret /formula ?

I believe in  working Hard and putting in much time to develop myself .

Thanks for your time!!!

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