C-H-U-R-C-H C-A-S-A-N-O-V-A (Part 3)

N.B: For better understanding and maximum fun if you miss any of the preceding series, I advise you revisit and read. Enjoy! Read previous part here
I sat by Ladi's door expecting hell to set loose.
My eyeballs were red like I just finished smoking
weed, it seemed I had exhausted all the tears in
my eyes. I thought about all the sacrifices I've
made for Ladi, the 200L class I repeated
I couldn't concentrate on my studies,
all because of him, my pride that I threw at
him. I thought about how miserable my life
would be without him. "This cannot be" I cried.
Ladi walked in, I stood up to face him.
" Ladi, I heard you are getting married next
month, tell me it's not true! I raged.
"Errm...I'm sorry you heard it from
outside........." He said calmly.
"So where do you put me in this?" My voice
"Jenny, you are just like a sister to me." He
rolled his eyes.
"Sister? Was I your sister when you were
knacking me? Why didn't you go home to your
family and knack one of your sisters?! I
Gbooss!!! A slap landed on my left ear. He must
have used his backhand cos I staggered as I
felt my brain summersault. I started seeing
things in their double. I taught I was hit by a
Bwahhhhhh!!! I roared.
"How dare you....how dare you open your fithy
mouth and talk rubbish about my family? He
said fuming in anger.
"Ladi, God will judge you for this!" I said
"Get out of my sight!!!" He barked at me.
I stared at him fuming in desperation as I set
to leave.
"Get out...... go to hell Jenny!!!" He opened his
door, moved in and slammed the door.
Bwahhhhh!!! I cried sitting on the floor not
minding who sees me.
When I was satisfied crying, I picked myself up
and headed to my room. "God, I know you are
angry with me now, but I know one thing, you
are a righteous Judge..... "
I cried and cried, I saw my self as nothing but
a filthy rag. I've been a fool. I never imagined
I could find myself in such a mess. My parents
trusted me, I had always being their pride as a
godly daughter. I failed my parents. I failed
God. I messed up big time. I was in my room for
crying two full days.
The next Sun, I pulled myself together. I saw the
need to go to church, maybe God would show me
mercy but not Ladi's church, I wished our path
would never cross again.
So I decided to go to another church in town. As
I walked inside, a guy ushered me in. His face
looks so familiar, we stared at each other for a
few seconds, it seemed he also knew me.
"You are welcome sister." He ushered me to a
I couldn't concentrate throughout the service,
my mind would not just stay in a place, nothing
they did interest me. My body was in the church
but my mind was wandering, coupled with the
usher guy that was stealing glances at me.
"Why is this one stealing glances at me like
this?" I hissed in my heart.
I noticed one time, the minister mentioned the
first timer, I ignored it. "No familiarization." I
reminded myself.
The service ended, I heaved a sigh of relief. "At
last I'm getting out of here." I said to myself.
As I walked out of the church, the usher guy
walked up to me.
"Hi, your face looks familiar, do you study
"Yea" I murmured.
"Yeah, I was right, I've seen you in the faculty
for a few times, I study Medicine, I am
Stanley." He offered a handshake.
"Jenny" I muttered.
"Oh, what a beautiful name for a beautiful
damsel....I still need to rush back to the
auditorium for workers meeting, can I have your
contact please?" He asked politely
"I don't give my number to strangers." I
"Common Jenny, we are not strangers, we study
in the same school and we worship one Lord." He
said lovingly.
"This guy is really getting on my nerves,
harrrggh!!! I groaned in my heart. Well, I gave
him my number so he could just let me be.
Stanley is indeed a cool guy, beautiful to
behold, eloquent, hairy, very fine face with a
killing physique.
"No inordinate affection!" I warned myself.
Stanley started chatting me up on whatsapp. At
first I ignored him but when I saw his profile
picture where he was looking like one famous
American musician, I couldn't help but
compliment him.
Stanley is a very funny guy. He knows how to
make someone's head swell, he knows how to
compliment a lady. He asked if I was in a
relationship and I told him how Ladi jilted me.
He encouraged me to pick up myself and move
on, he showed me love and care in those times
of my depression. I saw him as a shoulder to
lean on.
Stanley told me he was willing to come to my.
house. Reluctantly, I agreed. So one day, he
came to my room......
Keep visiting for part4

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