Joke of the week-Some Girls Will Never Change.

A lecturer walked into a
class room and told all the students that there will be an
emergency test...
He Went straight to the black board and wrote the instructions
which says:

1) Time is 15mins
2) No copying
3) No cancellation of answers
4) once it's time walk away from
Your desk. He told the students to get
ready...that it will be a simple two
questions test
(1) List four of your best foods
Immediately students started
Boys were writing Eba, pounded
yam, rice, beans, fufu etc...
The girls were busy writing
Hotdogs, pizza, shawarma, burger,
vanilla iced cream etc....
All the ladies were happy until they saw the final
(2) Explain how to prepare your
favourite meal as listed in
question 1.
"Yawa come gas"
See girls and cancellation
Dey cancelled all their first answer and start changing it to:
yam and beans, white rice, egg, tea, akamu, indomie, dodo.

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