UNDERSTANDING  LIFE


Most people in our contemporary world today just take life with levity. Most people live life the way it comes and just take anything life offers .

One thing most people don’t understand is that life doesn’t give you what you want, It only gives you what you deserve. If you don’t work and you want a car you can’t get a car because you don’t deserve a car but if you work and want a car you will get it because you deserve it .Any life  that is worth living is worth living well, out of nothing comes out something .you don’t have to let Life be in control of you ,you are to be in control if your life .
The greatest gift any one can get is life because life is full of opportunities but most opportunities in life comes in disguise the disguise is yours to decipher, life’s cardinal rule is NOTHING ATTEMPTED NOTHING ACHIEVED
Life is full of challenges, fear, failure success. But in life man is faced with two main options either to fail or to succeed .you have to live a life you Will be proud of a life you will be remembered for when you are gone. You are to be the captain of your ship you are not to allow other people dictate the way you live life ,you are to live life according to what you believe in[Religion] and according to what seems right and acceptable. Most people live life without making an impact all because they lived their life according to the dictate of another person . Everybody in life has a purpose and until you discover your purpose in life u can’t understand life .
We are all expected to live life and have something to show for our existence .some people say I am destined to fail that’s why I failed but I tell you is a lie because the pen to rewrite your destiny lies in your hands.
In life we are faced with options if you fail while trying plan A, Have you tried plan B if plan B fails have you tried plan C ………….opportunities abound, if you are ready to explore those opportunities then life is gonna be a bed of roses……..
yours in struggle .
Ayegbayo John. O

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