Buhari death rumour: Who has bewitched Nigerians?

THE extent to which Nigerians have fragmented along ethno-religious
components can only be measured in the direction of wish list drafted
along unfortunate cleavage based perspectives.
The nation is
balkanised, serially polarised and dangerously fired up with hate agenda
hot enough to make the sun shy of how cold it before the hate heat.
The recent death rumour of President Muhammadu Buhari across
social media platforms is only a reflection of how some segment of
Nigerians would want to bury the President just for mischief value
occasioned by the unabated hate mantra wielded across the country.
Who could the possible culprits of the death rumour be? Is it those
calling for an independent country, or those who believe the present
administration favours a religious group, or those who believe his death
will shift power from the North, or those corrupt politicians who loath
the fight against corruption, etc?
Nigerian leaders since 2011 have suffered ethno-religious rejection,
culminating into what Buhari is experiencing. For former president
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, some Northerners see him as the worst
president ever produced in the country. The war against terror was
used to measure his administration and the thirst of the North to get
their “mandate” back formed a blinding shield to whatever good
intentions he had for the country.
An evil seed is already growing in the country. It is difficult to predict
where the hate mantra will take Nigeria. The issue of a collective
heritage is fast eluding us. Those who set off the rumour understand
the extent of our gullibility as a country in swallowing information
without filtering. For me, it is sad how we mostly allow ourselves to be
part of those who made the news go viral.
Authors of the death rumour know Nigerians will take the information
to the next level of hate. Only a few may foolishly believe it, the other
divides used the information to unleash hate speeches. Those in
support of Buhari, used it to release avalanche of curses at those
perceived against him, the other divide used it to gloat, hoping to draw
It is instructive to intimate that Nigerians are already fighting a virtual
war on social media platforms. The heat coming from the wave of
assault hauled at perceived enemies is only waiting for a physical base
to trigger off a full scale war between North, South, Christians and
Muslims. Let no one make any mistake, we are more divided than we
have ever been since independence. We have more reasons to hate
ourselves based on ethnic, religious cleavage with leaders who have
axe to grind with the system based on complicity over corruption
fanning the embers for the rest to blow hot steam.
We have the social media platforms showing us real and doctored
images of carnages to drive even the simple minded towards
murderous tendencies. We have the very corrupt throwing monies
around to make governance difficult by selling terrorism to distract
governance and promote fragmentation of our nation.
On the top of the chain of events, the politicians Nigerians are building
forces to fight or protect are simply enjoying their lives. To make
matters worse, they are relating with themselves in the most civil way
they can while the hailers and wailers are daggers drown, ready to
slaughter each other for these class of individuals who only care for
Hate was once directed at Jonathan until it consumed him, now hate is
hovering on Buhari and poised towards drowning him. The culture of
seeing Nigerian leaders along regional, ethnic, religious divides has
begun like a roaring monster. The hate culture may fester and even
worsen as we move up the ladder of cleavage based politics.
Nigerians need to correct the mistake grounded immediately after the
death of President Umar Musa Yar’Adua. The ethno-religious card will
certainly do the country under. Nigerians are no longer praying for their
president to succeed, instead, they hope the one “representing”
another ethno-religious divide should fail. We must evaluate our
democratic practice. Americans sold democracy to us. Even for the
Americans, democracy has over simplified everything. I must confess,
our democracy should be evaluated to fit into our own cultural
If China is succeeding as a one party country, we must find a system
that accommodates our differences. It is indeed instructive for us to
understand that the kind of democratic practice we are operating is
changing, taking a turn for the worse. Aside the hate mantra, our
political system must be fashioned to fit our peculiarities.
Mr. Israel Ebije, a public affairs analyst, wrote from Abuja.

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